Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Favorite New Children's Books

Sky-High Guy by Nina Crews
Jack likes to play with his "friend" Guy without the interference of his little brother Gus, but when Guy gets stuck in a tree, Gus is the perfect companion to help Jack rescue him.

The 3 Little Dassies by Jan Brett
In this adaptation of the traditional folktale, three little dassies (also called rock hyraxes) build their houses in the Namib Desert of Southern Africa, hoping for protection from the eagle that lives atop a nearby mountain.

Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh
 Two mice have fun playing on a teeter-totter, but as more and larger friends join them, it becomes increasingly difficult to stay balanced.

Art & Max by David Wiesner

Max wants to be an artist like Arthur, but his first attempt at using a paintbrush sends the two friends on a whirlwind trip through various media, with unexpected consequences.

Check out the video below, as author/illustrator David Wiesner describes the creative process behind his books.

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