If you've been to the Corvallis Public Library lately, you've probably noticed we're making some changes.
For the next two weeks, beginning Monday, February 1, visitors to the Corvallis Public Library will notice a lot of activity on the main floor of the building as staff completes the last phase in a multi-year project to improve use of building space. The building will not be closed during this work. However, particular areas may be closed temporarily for safety reasons as shelving and materials are moved to new locations. Originally the Library was going to be closed Feb 21-26 for this project but so much work has already been accomplished, thanks to the efforts of Library and Public Works staff, that closing isn’t necessary.
Several areas of the Library will see the most change. Children’s Easy Books will be moved back to their original location near the Youth Activity Room and the family restrooms. Another major change in the Youth area is the relocation of the TeenScape area to the rear of the building and the addition of more teen computers. Holds to be picked up will move out of the lobby to the arcade wall in the northwest part of the building making it easier to find a hold. Audio books, music CDs, DVDs, and the self check dispensing machines will also be moved to this area. The adult and children’s Spanish language materials will be located closer to the lobby. New books will be on the east stairway wall for quick access to this popular collection. The lobby will become more open and welcoming with comfortable seating, book displays and an information center. The rooms off the Belluschi Wing will also see some changes to make them more accessible and to improve the entrance to that historic section of the building.
Please excuse this temporary disruption to Library services. Our goals are to make the best use of our space, prepare for growth in collections and technology, make the Library convenient for all, and provide a welcoming environment. Once this phase is complete, we do not have any more major changes planned. For a complete list of all planned changes, visit the Library Rearrangement FAQ on the library's website.For more information contact Library Director Carolyn Rawles-Heiser at 541-766-6928 or Carolyn.rawles-heiser@ci.corvallis.or.uscarolyn.rawles-heiser@ci.corvallis.or.us
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