This is not a library-sponsored class, but it may be of interest to members of our community.
This class is made possible through a partnership of the Corvallis School District, LBCC Parenting Education Department and the Boys and Girls Club of Corvallis.
The Incredible Years Parenting Program
A 10 week class beginning October 14 in Corvallis
Are you frustrated that you and your child seem to clash over the same things over and over? Does it sometimes seem like you spend your days saying no rather than enjoying your children? Would you like some ideas about ways to help your children understand their feelings or manage conflict with peers?
This 10 session class is designed for parents of children ages 3 -10 and will help you develop a variety of strategies for relationship building and positive discipline. Even in these early years you can start preventing difficulties in adolescence by enriching your nurturing relationship with your child and increasing your children’s social skills and conflict management techniques.
The Incredible Years is a proven effective curriculum which uses video vignettes of parent/child interactions, discussion and home activities to teach a variety of ways to improve communication and increase the effectiveness of discipline. The class will be taught by experienced parent educator DaNette Wernette.
Begins Tuesday, October 14 6:00 - 8:00 PM
At the Boys and Girls Club of Corvallis
Free child care provided
Tuition - $63 (a limited number of partial scholarships available) Pre-registration required Call now to register or inquire about tuition assistance: 917-4949 Download scholarship application at: